课程介绍 》 教授风采
2013获得香港城市大学的大学研究卓越奖 (2007年成立此奖项以来,仅有两位教授获此殊荣) 及商学院研究卓越奖。杨教授曾受邀到超过十所国内外一流大学及国际会议做学术及主题演讲。
现任Asian Journal of Business Research的主编,European Journal of Marketing(SSCI期刊,欧洲顶级的营销期刊之一)副主编,并担任过3个重要SSCI期刊的特刊主编。
创办及发起中国市场营销国际学术年会(2013年起至今) 与中国商业文化与管理学术会议(2011年起至今)。
在国内先后在上海新亚股份,上海肯德基及锦江麦得龙公司任职。亦曾为多家跨国公司及中资公司提供咨询及培训服务, 包括上海汽车工业销售总公司,迪斯尼香港, 腾讯,美敦力(Medtronic)中国,卡夫(Kraft)中国,海航资本以及中国农业银行。
在高质量的国际英文学术刊物发表了76篇论文,其中SSCI收录61篇,包括市场营销营销领域最顶尖的两本期刊,Journal of Marketing 和 Journal of Marketing Research。杨教授还发表了中文文章26篇,国际学术会议论文60篇,著作及译著5本。杨教授的研究成果在国际学术组织亦受到高度认可,其论文Googel Scholar引用次数超过6927次(截至2016-11-08),Scopus引用次数高达2550次 SSCI引用次数高达1295次。杨教授获2015 Emerald Citations of Excellence,三次获Emerald高度评价奖(2015, 2013, 2005), 获得美国决策科学研究协会的杰出论文奖,美国西南决策协会的McGraw-Hill Irwin杰出论文奖,以及IBM服务研究期刊最佳论文奖决选入围。
营销渠道中的治理战略 (Governance Strategies in Marketing Channels)
营销网络 (Network in Marketing)
消费者价值与消费者忠诚 (Customer Value and Customer Loyalty)
电商的服务质量和消费者满意 (Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Electronic Commerce)
Journal Articles |
· Hu, Qinfang, Fiona Chan, Guangling Zhang and Yang, Zhilin (2016), "The Joint-Liability Mechanism: Controlling Opportunism through Peer Monitoring among Chinese Supplier Groups",Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31, 5, 640-653. · Ling Jiang, Minjoon Jun, and Yang, Zhilin (2016), "Customer Perceived Value and Loyalty: How Do Key Service Quality Dimensions Matter in the Context of B2C e-Commerce?", Service Business: An International Journal, 10, 2, 301-317. · Chung, Henry, Zhilin Yang, and Pei-how Huang (2015), "How do Organizational Learning Matter in Strategic Business Performance? The Contingency Role of Guanxi Networking", Journal of Business Research, 68, 6, 1216-1224. · Yang, Zhilin and Ling Jiang (2015), "Managing Corporate Crisis in China: Sentiment, Reason, and Law", Business Horizon, 58, 2, 193-201. · Liu Zhigiang, Zhilin Yang, Fue Zeng, and David Waller (2015), "The Developmental Process of Unethical Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Grounded in China", Journal of Business Ethics,128, 2, 411-432. · Yang, Zhilin and Chenting Su (2014), "Institutional Theory in Business Marketing", Industrial Marketing Management, 43, 5, 721-725. · Cai, Shaohan and Zhilin Yang (2014), "The role of the guanxi institution in skill acquisition between firms: A study of Chinese firms", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50, 4, 3-23, Lead article in issue. · CAI, Shaohan and Zhilin Yang (2014), "On the relationship between business environment and competitive priorities: The role of performance frontiers", International Journal of Production Economics, 151, 131-145. · Gao, Hongzhi, John Knight, Zhilin Yang, and David Ballantyne (2014), "Towards a Gatekeeping Perspective of Insider-Outsider Relationship Development in China", Journal of World Business,49, 3, 312-320. · Wang, Xuehua, Cheris Chow, Zhilin Yang, and Jennifer Y.M. Lai (2014), "Market Signals: Website Investment and Physical Store Existence", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26, 1, 94-113. · YANG, Zhilin, Fang JIA, and Shaohan CAI (2014), "The Performance Implications of Perceptual Differences of Dependence in Marketing Channels: The Mediating Role of Trust", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26, 3, 344-364. · Yang, Zhilin and Chenting Su (2013), "Understanding Asian Business Strategy: Modeling Institution-Based Legitimacy-embedded Efficiency", Journal of Business Research, 66, 12, 2369-2374. · Wang, Yonggui, Fiona Chan, and Zhilin Yang (2013), "Customers’ Perceived Benefits of Interacting in a Virtual Brand Community in China", Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,14, 1, 39-56. · Wang, Xuehua and Zhilin Yang (2013), "Inter-firm Opportunism: A Meta-Analytic Review and Assessment of Its Antecedents and Effect on Performance", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28, 2, 137-146. · Jiang, Ling, Zhilin Yang, and Minjoon Jun (2013), "Measuring Consumer Perception of Online Shopping Convenience", Journal of Service Management, 24, 2, 191-214. · Wu, Jianan, Jie Sun, Yinglu Wu, and Zhilin Yang (2013), "User Reviews and Uncertainty Assessment: A Two Stage Model of Consumers' Willingness-To-Pay in Online Markets", Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce, 55, 1, 175-185. · Wang, Yonggui, Jianfeng Wu, and Zhilin Yang (2013), "Customer Participation and Project Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in the Chinese Telecommunication Service Industry", Journal of Business to Business Marketing., 20, 4, 227-244. · Cai, Huajian, Xiang Fang, Zhilin Yang, and Hairong Song (2012), "Explicit Consumer Animosity: A Primary Validation", Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 7, 1651-1674. · Yang, Zhilin, Chenting Su, and Kim Fam (2012), "Dealing with Institutional Distances in International Marketing Channels: Governance Strategies That Engender Legitimacy and Efficiency ", Journal of Marketing, Selected by the AMA’s publicity program for press release to over 5,000 media outlets across the U.S., 76, 3, 41-55. · Fang, Xiang, Huajian Cai, Zhilin Yang, and Hairong Song (2012), "Explicit Consumer Animosity: A Primary Validation", Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 7, 1651-1674. · Hu, Jing, Xin Liu, Sijing Wang, and Zhilin Yang (2012), "The Role of Brand Image Congruity In Chinese Consumers’ Brand Preference", Journal of Product & Brand Management, 21, 1, 26-34. · Jiang, Alice, Zhilin Yang, and David Carlson (2012), "Marketing Professionals’ Perceptions of Marketing Journals/Publications", African Journal of Business Managemen, 6, 11, 4317-4327. · Wang, Xuehua, Cheris Chow, and Zhilin Yang (2012), "A Two-path Model on the Effects of Positivity of and Empathy Reflected by Online Reviews: A Choice Mechanism Perspective",International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 7, 3, 260-277. · Yang, Zhilin, Arthur F. Madsen, and Meihua Zhou (2012), "The El Outaya Salt Refinery Project: A Joint Venture Technology Transfer Case", African Journal of Business Management, 6, 28, 8320-8326. · Yang, Zhilin and Chenlu Wang (2011), "Guanxi as a Governance Mechanism in Business Markets: Its Characteristics, Relevant Theories, and Future Research Directions", Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 7, 492-495. · Ding, M., J. Hauser, S. Dong, D. Dzyabura, Zhilin Yang, C. Su, and S, Gaskin. (2011), "Unstructured Direct Elicitation of Decision Rules ", Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 1, 116-127. · Wang, Xuehua and Zhilin Yang (2011), "The Impact of Brand Credibility and Brand Personality on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study in China", Advances in International Marketing, 21, Spring 2011, 137-153. · Zeng, Fue, Zhilin Yang, Yongqiang Li, and Kim Fam (2011), "Small business industrial buyers' price sensitivity: Do service quality dimensions matter in business markets?", Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 3, 395-404. · Yang, Zhilin, Chen Zhou, and Ling Jiang (2011), "When Do Formal Control and Trust Matter? A Context-Based Analysis of the Effects on Marketing Channel Relationships in China", Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 1, 86-96. · Li, Yongqiang, Wang, Xuehua. and Zhilin Yang (2011), "The Effects of Corporate-Brand Credibility, Perceived Corporate-Brand Origin, and Self-Image Congruence on Purchase Intention: Evidence from China’s Auto Industry", Journal of Global Marketing, 24, 1, 58-68. · Cai, Alan, Minjoon Jun, and Zhilin Yang (2010), "Implementing supply chain information integration in China: The role of institutional forces and trust ", Journal of Operations Management, 28, 3, 257-268. · Schumann, Jan, Florian v. Wangenheim, Anna Stringfellow, Zhilin Yang, et al. (2010), "Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word-of-Mouth in Relational Service Exchange: The Moderating Effect of Uncertainty Avoidance", Journal of International Marketing, 18, 3, 62-80. · Cai, Alan, Zhilin Yang, and Minjoon Jun. (2010), "Cooperative Norms, Structural Mechanism, and Exchange Outcomes", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 17, 1, 1-10, Lead article in issue. · Wang, Xuehua, and Zhilin Yang. (2010), "The Effect of Brand Credibility on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Image", Journal of Global Marketing, 23, 3, 177-188. · Schumann, Jan, Florian v. Wangenheim, Anna Stringfellow, Zhilin Yang, et al (2010), "Drivers of Trust in Relational Service Exchange: Understanding the Importance of Cross-Cultural Differences", Journal of Service Research, 13, 4, 453-468. · Cai, Shaohan, Zhilin Yang, and Zuohao Hu. (2010), "The Effects of Volume Consolidation on Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Study of Chinese Firms", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 16, 3, 152-162. · Fam, Kim-Shyan, Zhilin Yang, and Michael Hyman (2009), "Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing",Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 3, 393-397. · Wang, Xuehua, Zhilin Yang, and Ning Liu (2009), "The Impacts of Brand Personality and Congruity on Purchase Intention: Evidence from the Chinese Mainland’s Automobile Market",Journal of Global Marketing, 22, 3, 199-215. · Cai, Shaohan, Zhilin Yang, and Zuohao Hu (2009), "Exploring the Governance Mechanisms of Quasi-integration in Buyer-supplier Relationships", Journal of Business Research, 62, 6, 660-666. · Su,Chenting, Zhilin Yang, Nan Zhou, Guijun Zhuang, and Wenyu Dou (2009), "Interpersonal Influence as an alternative Channel Communication Behavior in Emerging Markets: The Case of China", Journal of International Business Studies, 40, (4), 668-689. · Zeng, Fue, Zuohao Hu, Rong Chen, and Zhilin Yang (2009), "Determinants of Online Service Satisfaction and Their Impacts on Behavioral Intentions", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20, 8, 953-969. · Cai, Shaohan and Zhilin Yang (2008), "Development of Cooperative Norms in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship: The Chinese Experience", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44, 1, 55-40. · Wang, Xuehua and Zhilin Yang (2008), "A Meta-Analysis of Effect Sizes in International Marketing Experiments", International Marketing Review, 25, 3, 276-291. · Zhou, Kevin, Laura Poppo, and Zhilin Yang (2008), "Relational Ties or Customized Contracts? An Examination of Alternative Governance Choices in China", Journal of International Business Studies, 39, 3, 276-291. · Li, Fuan, Nan Zhou, Rajiv Kashyap, and Zhilin Yang (2008), "Brand Trust as a Second Order Factor: An Alternative Measurement Model", International Journal of Market Research, 50, 6, 817-840. · Fam, Kim-Shyan, David Waller, F.S. Ong, and Zhilin Yang (2008), "Controversial Product Advertising in China: Perceptions of Three Generational Cohorts", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7, 6, 461-469. · Wang, Xuehua and Zhilin Yang (2008), "Does Country-of-Origin Matter in the Relationship between Brand Personality and Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies? Evidence from China’s Auto Industry", International Marketing Review, 25, 4, 458-474. · Fam, Kim-Shyan, David Waller, and Zhilin Yang (2008), "Addressing the Advertising of Controversial Products in China: An Empirical Approach", Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 1, 43-58. · Zhuang, Guijun, Nan Zhou, Chenting Su and Zhilin Yang (2008), "The effects of Social Capital and Guanxi on Influence Strategies in Chinese Marketing Channels", Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp.1-15, [ In Chinese]. · Hyman, Michael, Zhilin Yang, Kim-Shyan Fam, and Andreas W. Stratemeyer (2008), "International Business Research: A Retrospective", The Open Business Journal, 1, 67-95. · Hu, Zuohao, Jia Liu, Ping Zhao, and Zhilin Yang (2007), "The Relationships between Manufacturer Justice and Distributor Trust: A Case Study of Channel Relations in the Chinese Cell Phone Industry", Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 91-105, [In Chinese]. · Fam, Kim-shyan and Zhilin Yang (2006), "Primary Influences of Environmental Uncertainty on Promotions Budget Allocation and Performance: A Cross-Country Study of Retail Advertisers",Journal of Business Research, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 259-267. · Yang, Zhilin, Xuehua Wang, and Chenting Su (2006), "A Review of Research Methodologies in International Business", International Business Review, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 601-617. · Cai, Shaohan, Minjoon Jun, and Zhilin Yang (2006), "The Impact of Inter-organizational Internet Communication on Purchasing Performance: A Study of Chinese Manufacturing Firms", Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 42, (Summer), pp. 16-29. · Hu, Zuohao and Zhilin Yang (2006), "Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Their Impacts on Behavioral Intentions", Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 41-49, [In Chinese]. · Zhou, Kevin Zheng, Gerald Yong Gao, Zhilin Yang and Nan Zhou (2005), "Developing Strategic Orientation in China: Antecedents and Consequences of Market and Innovation Orientations",Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 1049-1058. · Yang, Zhilin, Shaohan Cai, Zheng Zhou and Nan Zhou (2005), "Development and Validation of An Instrument to Measure User Perceived Service Quality of Information Presenting Web Portals",Information & Management, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 575-589. · Yang, Zhilin, Nan Zhou and Jie Chen (2005), "Brand Choice of Older Chinese Consumers",Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 65-81. · Yang, Zhilin, Zili Bi, and Nan Zhou (2005), "The Double Jeopardy Phenomenon and the Mediating Effect of Brand Penetration between Advertising and Brand Loyalty", Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 45, No. 2, 211-221. · Jun, Minjoon, Zhilin Yang and DaeSoo Kim (2004), "Customers' Perceptions of Online Retailing Service Quality and Their Satisfaction", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 817-840. · Yang, Zhilin and Xiang Fang (2004), "Online Service Quality Dimensions and Their Relationships with Satisfaction: A Content Analysis of Customer Reviews of Securities Brokerage Services,",International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15, No.3, pp. 302-326. · Yang, Zhilin and Robin T. Peterson (2004), "Customer Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty: The Role of Switching Costs", Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 21, No. 10, pp. 799-822. · Peterson, Robin T. and Zhilin Yang (2004), "Web Product Reviews Help Strategy", Marketing News, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 18-22. · Yang, Zhilin, Minjoon Jun and Robin T. Peterson (2004), "Measuring Customer Perceived Online Service Quality: Scale Development and Managerial Implications", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1149-1174. · Yang, Zhilin, Robin T. Peterson, and Shaohan Cai (2003), "Service Quality Dimensions of Internet Purchasing: An Exploratory Analysis", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 17, Issue. 7, pp.685-698. · Yang, Zhilin and Robin T. Peterson (2003), "I Read About It Online … Web-based Product Reviews Provide a Wealth of Information for Marketers", Marketing Research, Vol. 15, No.4, pp. 26-31. · Yang, Zhilin and Robin T. Peterson (2002), "The Determinants of Quality of Online Retail Food Purchasing: A Content Analysis of Consumer Compliments and Complaints,", Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 25-46. · Yang, Zhilin and Minjoon Jun (2002), "Consumer Perception of e-Service Quality: From Internet Purchaser and No-Purchaser Perspectives", Journal of Business Strategies, Vol. 19, No.1, pp. 19-41. · Hyman, Michael R. and Zhilin Yang (2001), "International Marketing Serials: A Retrospective",International Marketing Review, 18, 6, 667-716. · Yang, Zhilin (2001), "Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality in Internet-based Electronic Commerce", The 30th European Marketing Academy Conference, Bergen, Norway, May 2001. · Yang, Zhilin, Robin T. Peterson, and Lily Huang (Summer 2001), "Taking the Pulse of Internet Pharmacies: Online Consumers Speak Out on Pharmacy Services,", Marketing Health Services,Vol. 21, pp. 4-10. |
Accepted Journal Articles (forthcoming) |
· Wang, Yonggui, Na Wang, Ling Jiang, Zhilin Yang, and Victor Cui (2016), "Managing Relationships with Power Advantage Buyers: The Role of Supplier Initiated Bonding Tactics in Long-Term Buyer-Supplier Collaborations", accepted by Journal of Business Research, forthcoming. · Zhang, Chuang, Guijun Zhuang, Zhilin Yang, and Yang Zhang (2016), "Brand Loyalty versus Store Loyalty: Consumers' Role in Determining Dependence Structure of Supplier-Retailer Dyad", accepted by Journal of Business-To-Business Marketing, forthcoming. · Zhong, Weiguo, Chenting Su, Jisheng Peng, and Zhilin Yang "Trust in Interorganizational Relationships: A Meta-Analytic Integration", accepted by <a href="http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Trust%20in%20Interorganizational%20Relationships%20A%20Meta%2DAnalytic%20Integratio |
